Thursday, May 8, 2008

Semester draws to a close...

So i have to ask ya'll to forgive me...the last part of the semester was a whirlwind for me. I am offically done with my junior year of college and now a SENIOR!!! i've been crazy busy the last few weeks of school and i would take the time to say what i have been up to but i'm sure that you don't want to hear about my school work!

I have been busy preparing for surgery upcoming. I go into the hospital on may 13 and surgery is may 14. I pray that I will be fully recovered to go to NAD conference and National Pageant. I am excited for that opportunity but we have to wait and see how my recovery goes with the upcoming surgery on my brain. If you haven't heard yet...I have a Colliod Cyst in the third ventricle region of my brain and will be having surgery to remove it. I am scared because this is my first major surgery and stay in the hospital. I will be at Duke Hospital for surgery.

So as my surgery approaches and as I'm trying to pack up and head home for the summer I wanted to say I'll try and update when I can about my status! God Bless and thanks for supporting me through my reign as Miss Deaf North Carolina! I'm truly blessed to hold this title:)